This has been an East Coast summer so far.
With the exception of a few hot days two weeks ago, it’s mostly been rainy and
chilly. It’s vaguely annoying, because this winter was so awful; I was really
ready to be hot for a few months. No sense in dwelling on it though; when life
gives you lemons, right?
In honour of our Newfie blood, and in
honour of this rainy evening, I decided to make lobster rolls. It’s never
really occurred to me that I could make these at home, because it seems like
one of those restaurant foods. Or at least a food you want to eat while you sit
in the sun and stare out at a wharf. But they’re actually dead easy to make.
They’re on hot dog buns, for the love of Pete! You can do this.
So, us LadyGirls once attempted lobster on
this blog before. Perhaps you followed this hilarity, perhaps you’ll read that for the first time
and wonder why you ever trusted us to guide you in the kitchen. (Important
Editorial Note: Kelly now owns a whisk. In fact, I am pretty sure that thanks
to that blog, she received one from every member of our family for her
birthday.) But today we are not going to poach our lobster, because that was lovely
for that meal in which lobster was the main feature, but there’s no need for
that here, because we are going to drench our lobster here with mayo and put in
on some Wonder Bread, so let’s not overly trouble ourselves.

You could certainly get a whole lobster (or
several) and cook them up and go with that, but I didn’t do that for several
reasons. The main reason that I wasn’t emotional prepared to put any
crustaceans to their death on this particular evening. Secondly, de-crusting
said crustaceans seemed also like a lot of work on this day (I work, after
all.) So again, we aren’t going to be doing that kind of thing on a Monday
night. What I did do was buy some tails and steam them. Easy! When they turn
bright red, they’re ready. Take the flesh out and chop it up. Put the bits into
a bowl.
Now, we are going to add a few shakes of
Old Bay, one chopped stalk of celery, one chopped green onion (or two,
depending on how much lobster you have) a healthy tablespoon or two of mayo,
dash of hot sauce (I used Grace Hot Pepper Sauce, but I encourage you to
experiment) some salt and pepper, and a squeeze of citrus. Lime was on hand in
this house, but clearly lemon would be just fine. Take those soft, white,
processed to infinity and beyond buns (don’t roll your eyes at me- this isn’t
some kind of fancy adaptation of lobster rolls, just put them on the damn hot
dog bun) a toast them ever so SLIGHTLY under the broiler (like, way slightly. Like, just a hint of
colour) and then butter them lightly. For a little freshness, add some lettuce
and then nice big scoops of your lobster mixture.
Now THAT is a meal worth having on a Monday
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