Barbecues are so fun! As we know from the
steak post, I have been grilling up a storm this summer. But a person can’t eat
red meat and blue cheese every single day of their life, because that’s just
pure self-indulgence!
first thing you need is wood chips. Canadian Tire had a great selection,
although the fellow who helped me wasn’t particularly informed. I asked if I
could put my tinfoil packet of wood chips on the grill, and he didn’t feel that
would work. When I asked if I could put the tinfoil packet on heat element
underneath the grill, he said he “didn’t think that would be a good idea AT
ALL.” Well, too bad for him, because he did not provide a solution besides
buying coals for my barbecue, but that seemed like far too much work, so I just
experimented and it turned out fine to put the chips on the grill next to the
I had to go to the grocery store to get the rest of the ingredients. The
tomatillos completely puzzled the teenage girl working at the cash. She pulled
one out of the bag and said, “What the heck is this?” in a tone only
16-year-old girls are capable of. Just before I could answer, the other teenage
girl at the next cash said it was a fig. “No, it is not a fig,” I said. I told
her what it was and had to spell it twice. “Oh right! Oh my Godddd, those
things are SO annoying. They come through my cash all the time, and I never
know the code, ha-ha!” Sure, blame it on the tomatillos.
this point, madness ensues because my cashier can’t find them in the computer. So
yet another teenager comes over and tells her it’s the code 4601. Fiddleheads
come up. “Is it also called a ‘fiddlehead’?” she asks me.
“No. A
fiddlehead is a fern that hasn’t unfurled yet,” I say.
“Oh. Well. I
don’t know the code for it, so…” she says, as though I’m just going to say, “Oh
well, to hell with the tomatillos then!” and put them back.
Clearly I’m more
determined than she presumed, because then I said, “Oh. Well. I want them, so…”
as in, “Find the damn code, Cookie.” All of a sudden the cash becomes the OK
Corral, as we find ourselves in a standoff. The woman behind me starts huffing
so loudly I thought she was having an asthma attack. But it wasn’t my fault
Loblaws stocks tomatillos and then doesn’t tell the staff where to find the
the teenage boy had enough energy to run over to the tomatillo area and come
back with the code, just in time for the woman behind me to leave my cash and
go directly behind someone who must have been on Extreme Couponing, what with
all the goods in her cart. Peace was restored though when the code is in fact
4801, and they are as cheap as dirt. I walk away from the ‘Blaws feeling
jubilant about this delightful dinner.
there is no better way to make your neighbours than to smoke
delicious foods. I even invited mine to dinner so as not to make them feel
badly. To make the smoking last though, and to lessen the chances of burning down
your house, (and everyone else’s, in my case, because all the houses connect)
you must soak your wood chips in water for about half an hour first (or however
long it says on the bag of wood chips).
not get ahead of ourselves though. Even before you soak your chips, you may
want to make a homemade barbecue sauce, because you’re jazzy like that. I used
the recipe I found here and it was delish. However, I doubled all the spices because I found it didn’t
have enough heat. This is what I did:
· 1 (15 oz.) can
tomato sauce
· 2 tsp. olive oil
or canola oil
· 2 tbsp. chili
· 2 tsp. paprika
· 2 tbsp.
Worcestershire sauce
· 2 tsp. crushed
red pepper
· 1/2 tsp. salt (I
have a smoked sea salt, which I used, but regular salt is fine)
· 4 tbsp. cider
· 1 tsp. black
· 1 tsp. garlic
· 1 tsp. prepared
1 finely minced onion
The earlier you
make this sauce, the more time it has for the flavours to blend and become
delicious. It only takes five minutes to make, so do it as early as you can and
then just keep it in the fridge.
When your sauce
is made, and your chips have soaked, fire up the grill. Place the chips in a
package made of tinfoil, and poke some holes in the top for the smoke to
escape. Season your chicken with salt, pepper and maybe a little paprika. Place
the chips package before the chicken on the grill to give them time to start
smoking. If your barbecue is fancier than mine, crank the heat under the wood
chips, but keep your chicken at medium. Cook for 25 minutes with the lid
closed. Baste with your homemade sauce every 6 minutes or so. Do this quickly
though so not all the smoke escapes!
For your roasted
tomatillos, all you need is tomatillos (2/person) a few shallots and a couple
of cherry tomatoes. I like to use the colourful tomatoes because they just look
pretty. Put these on a roasting pan and drizzle with olive oil, balsamic
vinegar and salt and pepper. Roast at 375° for 15 minutes or until the tomatillos are soft. You can serve this
on its own or on a bed of arugula. Use the roasting pan drippings as the salad
And that is all.
My godson at this last night for dinner and after the first bite of rice he
said, “Mmmmm. Tastes like Mexican!” which was hilarious because he is three and
that was a pretty detailed food review for a three year old. But as you can
see, it was a crowd pleaser all around!